Senin, 29 Agustus 2011


Selamat Hari Lebaran! Mohon maaf lahir dan batin. Ucapannya aja duluan kali ya? Toh belum tau tanggal pastinya.. :)

Seperti lebaran di tahun yang lalu-lalu, masih ada aja kontroversi soal jatuhnya tanggal 1 Syawal di kalender masehi kita. Kali ini antara tanggal 30 dan 31 Agustus. Versi yang berbeda-beda mengenai kepastian hari lebaran, udah pasti memicu perdebatan dimana-mana. Satu komentar yang cukup menyentil di twitter gw baca, kira-kira begini isinya : "Kecewanya itu lebih karena pemerintah ga berbuat apa-apa dari tahun ke tahun, begini lagi dan lagi."

Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

Pilihan Hati

Hidup itu pilihan. Yep, peribahasa ini sering banget gw denger. Pilihan yang kita ambil, apapun itu, semuanya terserah kita. Karena ini hidup kita, kita sendiri yang menjalani. Karena itu, apapun yang terjadi pada kita adalah hasil dari pilihan kita sendiri, dan bertanggungjawablah atas itu.

Andaikan kita dihadapkan pada suatu pilihan yang menyangkut hati : berpisah dengan masih menyimpan perasaan satu sama lain, atau tetap bersama terikat sebuah status, namun tersiksa dengan setiap persoalan setiap hari, karena ekspektasi yang tak kunjung tercapai? Pilihan yang tidak mudah pastinya.

Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011

Short Stories

Below is a list of stories taken from Paulo Coelho's Blog. He is my favorite writer, author, poet, artist, or whatever you may call it. Just read them, and you will find them not just inspirational, but can also bring peace to your mind and soul... And please, spread this link/page if you care enough to let other people read these.

How To Level Out The World

Once when Confucius was traveling with his disciples, he heard about a very intelligent boy who was living in a particular village.
Confucius went to speak with him and asked him jokingly:
‘How would you like to help me correct all the irregularities and inequalities in the world?’
‘But why?’ asked the boy.
‘If we flattened the mountains, the birds would have no shelter. If we filled up the deep rivers and the sea, the fish would die. The world is vast enough to cope with differences.’
The disciples left feeling greatly impressed by the boy’s wisdom. But Confucius said:
‘I’ve known many children who, instead of playing and doing the things appropriate to their age, were busy trying to understand the world.
‘ Not one of those precocious children did anything of any great significance later in life because they had never experienced the innocence and healthy irresponsibility of childhood.’

The One Who Cared Most

The writer Leo Buscaglia was once invited to be on the jury of a school competition to find ‘the child who cared most for others’.
The winner was a boy whose neighbour, a gentleman of over eighty, had just been widowed.
When he saw the old man sitting in his garden crying, the boy jumped over the fence, sat on the man’s lap and stayed there for a long time.
When he went back home, his mother asked him what he had said to the poor man.
‘Nothing,’ said the boy. ‘He’s lost his wife and that must have really hurt.
“I just went over to help him to cry.”

The Game of Chess

Illustration by Ken Crane

A young man said to the abbot of a monastery:

‘I would really like to become a monk, but I have learned nothing of importance in my life. My father only taught me how to play chess, and I was told that all games are sinful.’

The abbot called for a chessboard and summoned a monk to play with the young man. However, before the game began, he added:

‘We also need diversion, but we will have only the best players here. If our monk loses, he will leave the monastery, thus creating an opening for you.’

The abbot was deadly serious.
The young man played an aggressive game, but then he noticed the saintly look in the monk’s eyes, and from then on, he began to play deliberately badly.
He decided that he would rather lose because he felt that the monk could prove far more useful to the world than him.

Suddenly, the abbot overturned the chessboard onto the floor.

‘You learned far more than you were taught,’ he said. ‘You have the powers of concentration necessary to win and you are capable of fighting for what you want, but you also have compassion and the ability to sacrifice yourself for a noble cause.
‘ You have shown yourself capable of balancing discipline and mercy; welcome to our monastery!’

Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011


Ah! Akhirnya ngapdet blog lagi. Memang lagi sibuk abis, plus mumet mikirin mau nulis apa. Mohon maaf juga buat semua pembaca setia blog Open Another Mind ini, yang mungkin udah eneg nungguin postingan barunya... *berasa laku*

Anyway, gw mau bahas tentang suatu topik yang waktu itu pernah gw tulis secara singkat di akun twitter gw. Waktu itu pagi-pagi gw lagi kumat dan menuhin timeline orang, jadi daripada dapet diskusi yang asik, yang ada gw malah dimarahin... --"